Rabu, Februari 08, 2012

Tambunan Part 3 - Mahua Waterfall

In the beginning, we pass the beautiful paddy fields of the village n The rainforest (Macam brokoli dia bilang c Mily n c amoi)...hihi

At the end of the road is the Mahua substation managed by Sabah Parks, Where u buy entrance ticket (Rm0.50 for 16year below, Rm1.50 for 16-18year, Rm3.00 for Malaysian adult, Rm10.00(USD3) for international tourist)...A little bit about Entrance ticket...:)
Find out about Mahua Waterfall by Click here.

500meter from the entrance to mahua waterfall...Excited gila ni...hihi

Hehehe...everybody will say "I was here..."

Lunch time...I'm starving already...Every meals looks Delicious especially "Sambal Mangga" (favret)...;)
Need recipes? click here.

See...all like kids, enjoying the water n having fun(punya la sajuk tu air)... 

A day with a smile...:))

Background: Mahua Waterfall...smile...

Our Unduk Ngadau for 2012...Coming Soon..<3

Continue posing...3 talented modeling...hehehe 

The End of our Trip to Tambunan...

See you next time...if i had a chance to go here again...

Tambunan Part 2 - Tambunan Town

Of couse la mau pi Tamu Ground Pisomporuan Squear di Pekan Tambunan...Mau juga bergambar dengan Raksasa (c Mily yang cakap)...hahaha

Nah! Ni lah Tamadun & Gombunan puak yang terdapat di Tambunan...

Tidak mau ketinggalan ni, masing2 dengan gaya tersendiri...:)

Say Cheese!!!

Gaya duduk lagi...

Ni c Simbei yang ambil...tapi tidak di nampak c Tam & Gombunan....

Uik jangan naik2 sana, nanti jatuh...hihihi

Peace no war...di belakang tu ada Restoran 3 J...cuba korang tinguk ni video Siri sketsa di Kadai Makan...

Berjalan di Tengah Pekan Tambunan dekat Menara Jam...

Next Destination to go....Last place...Mahua Waterfall...tak sempat pi Tugu Mat Salleh...huhu

Tambunan Part 1 - Tambunan Village Resort Centre (TVRC)

As per entry earlier, we are heading actually to TVRC, and here some of our photo taken during the trip...

Upon reaching the place, everyone get confused n so excited (expecially me...hahaha)...

Huh! Finally i can step my foot on the ground...:)
I'm so tired n felt dizzy while we going here....besa la kalau sekali sekala jalan di sini..

Nah! Bukan main excited lagi kami naik Jambatan gantung...Siap dengan gaya tersendiri ni...

Tambunan Village Resort Centre or TVRC ...1st time pergi sini...wah, amazing place if they can rebuild this place...My Dad told me long time ago this place was so beautifull n so many tourist come (kunun la)...

Macam biasa, we took so many picture...(mau kasih jeles kawan2 yang ndak pi)

After pay the ticket...You can enter the place...is not too expencive just RM 2.50 only...But if u want to play like kayak or Pedal Boat..they only charge u Rm 5.00 /person for 30 minutes...that what they told me la...hihi...berbaloi jugak la...

Syok kan tengok dorg main...hihi
But, We (Saya, c Amoi, c Lynda, n Simbei) have a plan...Jeng jeng jeng...hahaha
Capture fish?? no..no..no...But, we going to explore around TVRC...Klik! klik! klik!...hahaha Berabis la kami tangkap gambar dengan gaya masing2...:D

Gaya 1: Masing2 style kunun...

Gaya 2: Paparazi...wakakakaka...

Gaya 3: Posing dengan orchid...

After finish the posing scene, we take a rest n watching they playing kayak n pedal boat...

Finally, ni unduk ngadau sampai jugak...hihihi..sambil2 makan fish fillet...:D

Now, they tranning to be a photographer n modeling...So talented!! Amazing...:)

So tired walking around...But, i've enjoy with them...
Next destination...Tamu at Tambunan Town....

Jumaat, Januari 13, 2012

Poring Hot Spring

I know its a boring place...but we having fun here...Enjoy with friends was the best way to release tension...:D

A few of photo was taken here...

Mums of the Years..:P 


 Cute baby...:D

 Peace No War...

 Free Style..

 Watching people around..


 Another peace for u...Smile...

 Way to back home...

A dog follow us...c Duku (Bukan nama sebenar)...

Believe or not...Poring was a best place to go...even others people tired being here, but sometimes precious moment will happen everywhere in this worlds...See ya!!