Rabu, Mei 11, 2011

Tips For Online Friendship
  • Do not divulge personal information like your telephone number, address, location, school / college name, professional details of your parents, etc. with unknown people on the internet.
  • Disconnect the line if you feel the person is probing in too much detail about your personal life.
  • Do not disclose anything about friends or relatives or other family members.
  • Do not exchange personal photographs of yours or any family member with people you meet over the internet.
  • Don't go to meet a person you have just met over the internet. Consult elder people or someone who is experienced and if you have to go, take someone trustworthy with you.
  • Do not disclose information such as your email password, credit card numbers, ATM password, etc to someone you have just met over the internet.
  • If you feel someone is not genuine, do not accept his / her friend's request. Do not forward emails to unknown people nor read unknown mails.

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