Rabu, Februari 08, 2012

Tambunan Part 3 - Mahua Waterfall

In the beginning, we pass the beautiful paddy fields of the village n The rainforest (Macam brokoli dia bilang c Mily n c amoi)...hihi

At the end of the road is the Mahua substation managed by Sabah Parks, Where u buy entrance ticket (Rm0.50 for 16year below, Rm1.50 for 16-18year, Rm3.00 for Malaysian adult, Rm10.00(USD3) for international tourist)...A little bit about Entrance ticket...:)
Find out about Mahua Waterfall by Click here.

500meter from the entrance to mahua waterfall...Excited gila ni...hihi

Hehehe...everybody will say "I was here..."

Lunch time...I'm starving already...Every meals looks Delicious especially "Sambal Mangga" (favret)...;)
Need recipes? click here.

See...all like kids, enjoying the water n having fun(punya la sajuk tu air)... 

A day with a smile...:))

Background: Mahua Waterfall...smile...

Our Unduk Ngadau for 2012...Coming Soon..<3

Continue posing...3 talented modeling...hehehe 

The End of our Trip to Tambunan...

See you next time...if i had a chance to go here again...

Tambunan Part 2 - Tambunan Town

Of couse la mau pi Tamu Ground Pisomporuan Squear di Pekan Tambunan...Mau juga bergambar dengan Raksasa (c Mily yang cakap)...hahaha

Nah! Ni lah Tamadun & Gombunan puak yang terdapat di Tambunan...

Tidak mau ketinggalan ni, masing2 dengan gaya tersendiri...:)

Say Cheese!!!

Gaya duduk lagi...

Ni c Simbei yang ambil...tapi tidak di nampak c Tam & Gombunan....

Uik jangan naik2 sana, nanti jatuh...hihihi

Peace no war...di belakang tu ada Restoran 3 J...cuba korang tinguk ni video Siri sketsa di Kadai Makan...

Berjalan di Tengah Pekan Tambunan dekat Menara Jam...

Next Destination to go....Last place...Mahua Waterfall...tak sempat pi Tugu Mat Salleh...huhu

Tambunan Part 1 - Tambunan Village Resort Centre (TVRC)

As per entry earlier, we are heading actually to TVRC, and here some of our photo taken during the trip...

Upon reaching the place, everyone get confused n so excited (expecially me...hahaha)...

Huh! Finally i can step my foot on the ground...:)
I'm so tired n felt dizzy while we going here....besa la kalau sekali sekala jalan di sini..

Nah! Bukan main excited lagi kami naik Jambatan gantung...Siap dengan gaya tersendiri ni...

Tambunan Village Resort Centre or TVRC ...1st time pergi sini...wah, amazing place if they can rebuild this place...My Dad told me long time ago this place was so beautifull n so many tourist come (kunun la)...

Macam biasa, we took so many picture...(mau kasih jeles kawan2 yang ndak pi)

After pay the ticket...You can enter the place...is not too expencive just RM 2.50 only...But if u want to play like kayak or Pedal Boat..they only charge u Rm 5.00 /person for 30 minutes...that what they told me la...hihi...berbaloi jugak la...

Syok kan tengok dorg main...hihi
But, We (Saya, c Amoi, c Lynda, n Simbei) have a plan...Jeng jeng jeng...hahaha
Capture fish?? no..no..no...But, we going to explore around TVRC...Klik! klik! klik!...hahaha Berabis la kami tangkap gambar dengan gaya masing2...:D

Gaya 1: Masing2 style kunun...

Gaya 2: Paparazi...wakakakaka...

Gaya 3: Posing dengan orchid...

After finish the posing scene, we take a rest n watching they playing kayak n pedal boat...

Finally, ni unduk ngadau sampai jugak...hihihi..sambil2 makan fish fillet...:D

Now, they tranning to be a photographer n modeling...So talented!! Amazing...:)

So tired walking around...But, i've enjoy with them...
Next destination...Tamu at Tambunan Town....

Jumaat, Januari 13, 2012

Poring Hot Spring

I know its a boring place...but we having fun here...Enjoy with friends was the best way to release tension...:D

A few of photo was taken here...

Mums of the Years..:P 


 Cute baby...:D

 Peace No War...

 Free Style..

 Watching people around..


 Another peace for u...Smile...

 Way to back home...

A dog follow us...c Duku (Bukan nama sebenar)...

Believe or not...Poring was a best place to go...even others people tired being here, but sometimes precious moment will happen everywhere in this worlds...See ya!!

Rabu, Oktober 12, 2011


Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are. A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses- The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate for the good and the bad.

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your likely hood of mediocrity. An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people. As you grow, your associates will change. Ever heard of the "crab syndrome" the better you do, the more those negative so called friends try to hold you down ?

Friends who don't help you climb force you to crawl. This is what I have been thought so consider this:

Never receive counsel from unproductive people.

Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how.

Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person.

Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere. With some people you spend an evening: with others you invest it.

Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life.

So with all that said here is today's thought:

Wise is the person who fortifies their life with the right friendships ;

Rabu, Mei 11, 2011

It’s Beginning to Hurt
by James Lasdun 

‘Good lunch Mr Bryar?’

‘Excellent lunch.’


‘No, some … Chinese place.’

‘Your wife rang.’

He dialled home: his wife answered:

‘Where on earth have you been?’

‘Sorry darling. Complicated lunch…’

Strange, to be lying to her again. And about a funeral!

‘Tom’s coming down. Stop at Dalgliesh’s, would you, and pick up a salmon. A wild one? Better go right now, actually, in case they run out.’

It was July, a baking summer. He walked slowly, thinking of the ceremony he had just attended. Among the half dozen mourners, he had known only the solicitor who had introduced him to Marie ten years ago and had told him of her death last week.

The news had stunned him: he hadn’t known she was ill, but then he hadn’t seen her for seven years. Throughout the service he had found himself weeping uncontrollably.

The man at Dalgliesh’s hoisted a fish the length of his arm from under a covering of seaweed and ice.

‘How’s that?’

‘Okay. Would you –’

‘Gut her and clean her sir?’


The man slit the creature’s belly with a short knife, spilling the dewy beige guts into a bucket. He rinsed the flecked mesh of scales and the red flesh inside, then wrapped the fish in paper and put it in a plastic bag. It was six inches too long for the office fridge.


He went down to the stock room. There were gluetraps lying about with dead mice and beetles on them, but it was cooler there than upstairs. Uneasily, he placed the fish in the drawer of an old metal filing cabinet.
For the rest of the afternoon he worked on new rental listings. His eyes were burning when he stopped. It was late and he had to hurry to the tube station. Sweating and panting he emerged at Charing Cross just in time to get the six-forty.

On the train, crowded with weekenders, he found himself thinking of Marie. Sometimes she would sing a nonsense song in his ear, her mouth close as if she were whispering a secret. He remembered the strange solitariness of her existence in London; her even stranger indifference to this solitariness. They couldn’t afford hotels so they used to pretend she was a client, interested in one of the properties listed with his firm. Every home they entered was a different world. Making love in the ‘sumptuously appointed Victorian maisonette’ or the ‘cosy garden flat’ was an adventure into a series of possible lives, each with its own reckless joys: one afternoon they were rich socialites; the next a pair of bohemian students… For three years he had felt the happiest man alive, and the luckiest. Marie never asked him to leave his family, and he had regarded this, too, as part of his luck.

And then, abruptly, she had ended it. ‘I’m in love with you’, she’d told him matter-of-factly, ‘and it’s beginning to hurt.’

His wife was waiting for him outside the station.

‘Where’s the salmon?’ She asked.

A sudden horror spread through him.

‘I – I left it behind.’

She turned abruptly away, then stared back at him a moment.

‘You’re a fool.’ She said. ‘You’re a complete bloody fool.’
Tips For Online Friendship
  • Do not divulge personal information like your telephone number, address, location, school / college name, professional details of your parents, etc. with unknown people on the internet.
  • Disconnect the line if you feel the person is probing in too much detail about your personal life.
  • Do not disclose anything about friends or relatives or other family members.
  • Do not exchange personal photographs of yours or any family member with people you meet over the internet.
  • Don't go to meet a person you have just met over the internet. Consult elder people or someone who is experienced and if you have to go, take someone trustworthy with you.
  • Do not disclose information such as your email password, credit card numbers, ATM password, etc to someone you have just met over the internet.
  • If you feel someone is not genuine, do not accept his / her friend's request. Do not forward emails to unknown people nor read unknown mails.

Motivational Story Of Friendship

Two girls were best of friends, since their childhood. When they were small kids, they used to go to school together, play together and sometimes even stay at each other's places. They were next door neighbors and thus their parents were friends as well. The best friends graduated from school and went to pursue higher studies in the same college. Everyone knew that the girls were the best of friends. Nothing was hidden between the duo, because both knew each other inside out.

After some days, one of the friends found the other behaving in a very strange manner. She would remain withdrawn, sleep too much and turn violent, very often. At first, the other friend thought it was just the studies getting on to her. However, with time, she became even more moody and frustrated. Finally, her friend couldn't take it any longer and confronted her with the problem. She broke down into tears and confessed that she was going around with a guy, who was taking drugs and forced her to take them too.

The girl was not only forced to take drugs, but was also forced to bring money every now and then and was threatened with dire consequences, if she revealed the matter to anyone, even her best friend. Shocked by her story, the other friend consoled her. She then thought of a way to help her. Finally, she thought that she would come up straight to the point and tell her to leave this guy and get out of all the mess. She contacted the college counselor, who was a psychologist and narrated all the problem to her. She offered to help and said that matter would be kept under wraps.

The girl was then advised by her friend to leave this guy, as he was torturing her unnecessarily. Her friend reminded her of her dreams of becoming a successful professional, inspired her to set an example for others and reminded of what her parents would feel, if they found out what their daughter was up to. After a lot of persuasion, the girl finally agreed to leave him. She was given basic counseling and was weaned off drugs, with time. All this while, her friend never left her side and always stood by her.

Finally, they graduated and the friendship only grew stronger. They both went on to become successful professionals, but never let each other down by indulging themselves into bad habits. They lived happily ever after, as close friends. The story leaves the reader to think about the depth of friendship shared by the two girls. The moral of the story is that true friends are those, who inspire you to become the best you can ever be. They have full confidence in you. They would not leave you until your goal is accomplished.

BFF...Teman Tapi Mesra..

y๏u คгє  ๓ץ ๒єรt Ŧгเєภ๔  Ŧ๏гєשєг  คภ๔  єשєг~<3

 Hang Out With Friends!

When it comes to hanging out with friends, one can be sure that it is going to be absolutely amusing and unlimited fun. The talks seem to go on forever and any silly topic can become a point of lengthy discussions. Be it the latest trend in jewelry, the latest gadgets, old classic movies, the cute neighbor next door, work related pressures, there is no end to the list. In this stressful age, getting together with friends has become a luxury than a daily routine. Consider yourself lucky if you get to hang around with friends often because many people simply remember those good old days of carefree life with friends.

One of the best places to hang out with friends is of course your own house! The comfort that your room offers cannot be offered by any mall or a pub. You can be yourself, kick up your heels, not worry about your looks and talk loudly about anything in the world. You need not worry about what to eat since junk food is just a phone call away! Order loads of pizzas, cola and French fries without worrying about condescending stares. You can eat as much as you want and however you want! The bottom line is to have fun without any worries.

Another fun place to hang around with friends is the lounge. Comfortable seating and soothing ambience along with chilled drinks is the perfect setting for spending time with friends. If lounging is not your cup of tea, try hitting the bowling alley. A round of bowling games with friends is the perfect way to chill out. In case you are not into bowling, you can always go for a movie. These days you find coffee bars and small fast food joints near movie theaters where you can spend time after watching a movie. Whatever you do, remember to have loads of fun and enjoy. You may not get the opportunity to do so after some years.

Tips For Hanging Out with Friends
  • Plan a hangout when the entire group of yours is free. It is great to roam around with a bunch of friends than just two of you!
  • Do plan the hangout zone in advance so that you do not waste time in deciding over where to head towards.
  • Share the entire budget in equals. Do not overburden on a single person until and unless it is some special treat.
  • Do not be late if you do not want to be the plan spoiler. Be on time.
  • If you are planning for a hangout at some friend's place, do not take tension while making mess but make sure you clean it up before you leave.

Isnin, Disember 13, 2010


One smile begins a friendship.
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea.
One word can frame the goal.
One song can spark a moment.
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest.
One bird can herald spring.
One vote can change a nation.
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness.
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits.
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom.
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make a difference.
You see, it's up to you.

Ahad, Oktober 31, 2010

Loving Someone at the Wrong Time

Loving someone at the wrong time.
 We have the right love at the wrong time.

TIMING IS EVERYTHING. And that also speaks the truth when it comes to loving someone. It's not always the case that a love relationship will
exist or can be worked out when love is real, time element must also be

I guess I always knew inside,
I wouldn't have you for a long time.

While one can always love, hope, and have faith, he must also count in asacrifice and accept the outcome no matter what. Acceptance of a loss is
not merely a defeat itself; it is just a process of gaining wisdom in life.

Those dreams of yours
are shining on distant shores
and if they are calling you away
I don't have right to make you stay.

They say that if you love someone, you should learn to let him go.
How ironic it can get to a certain point of view. How can you let go of someone you're still so much in love with? I guess great understanding and selflessness is the key to such love - an unconditional love. It's when you
finally learn to say, "I want you to be happy." without considering your

As what the song goes
"But somewhere down the road
our roads are gonna cross again
it doesn't really matter when.
Somewhere down the road
I know that heart of yours
will come to see that you belong with me."

Sometimes in life, the decision of letting someone go actually doesn't
end up right there. It turns out to be just a test of time. Sooner or later,without further anticipation, your paths will cross again. But what if itdoesn't? Then again, one could only hope for it to happen or much better
-just have faith!

So, what's the difference between hoping and having faith? When you are
hoping, it doesn't always necessarily include faith. But when you are having
faith, you are actually hoping at the same time. Faith is a strong belief of
the existence of an unforeseen object or a person or the occurrence of an
unforeseen event.

Sometimes goodbyes are not forever.
It doesn't matter if you're gone.
I'll still believe in us together.

 Sometimes having faith is just as hard as letting go. Often, we get down and lose hope. And instead of being positive, we put our focus on the pain. But if we could only realize and see that what we have done could havepossibly planted a "seed of love" in the other person's heart, having faith wouldn't be too difficult. We can then believe that love never really fails after all.

I understand more then you think I can.
You have to go out on your own so
you can find your way back home.

True, love conquers all. It conquers us. They say that if you were reallymeant for each other you will end up with each other. But little did weknow that it actually lies in a mystery - we don't choose to love or be loved, love chooses us. A little time is all we need. The "seed of love" that we have left wouldn't suddenly sprang-up into a tree. It's nurtured through time. And when the right time comes, it will return to you in a manner you wouldn't have imagined.

Letting go is just another way to say
I'll always love you so.
We have the right love at the wrong time.
Maybe we've only just begun.
Maybe the best is yet to come.

There was a saying that goes, "The fastest way to receive love is to givelove. The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. In addition tothese, the best way to keep love is to give it wings." Letting go is notalways easy. In fact it can break you and cause you a lot of pain. Butletting go is not really the end of love; it is only the beginning of agreater love. a love that time alone can understand.

We cant beg someone to stay if they want to leave and be with someone
else, we have to admit that love doesnt give us the license to own a

                                                                  by: Dalthon Jhay